11 March 2017

Portion Control is a free open-source app from the Salesforce UX team. They describe it as a way to “quickly communicate project value”, but it has more value than that!

That’s what a Portion Control chart looks like, and it’s not hard to make:

<img src="https://portioncontrol.herokuapp.com/pie.png?size=250x250&performance=65&readabilty=15&scalability=20"/>

Or, in a Salesforce formula field:

IMAGE("https://portioncontrol.herokuapp.com/pie.png?size=250x250&performance=" & Performance__c & "&readability=" & Readibility__c & "&scalability=" & Scalability__c)

I’ve gone on record being excited about Google Charts and Progress Bar formula fields that help communicate data to your end users on the record home or list view. Here’s one more tool in your toolbelt, thanks to Salesforce UX!